Victorian History Crossword

NB: If it looks like you’ve seen this crossword before, you have. I put it up yesterday but there was a technical error so I had to take it down. There should be no problems with this version. The questions and answers are all the same as yesterday’s, the lay out is just a little different.

Have a shot, see how you go.  Click this link for a printable version of the crossword grid. Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Maker_ Final Puzzle

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Medieval Crossword


I had some free time yesterday and I was in the mood for making a puzzle, so I’ve made this medieval crossword. I just thought it could be interesting. If anyone wants to have a go and gets stuck on any of the answers, a few can be found on this blog, then just leave a comment and I’ll let you know what the answer is.

Hope you enjoy it.


Medieval Crossword 33

7. The Founder of Fontevraud. (6, 2, 9)
8. Jocelin de Brakelond wrote the chronicle of where? (4, 2, 7)
9. “To his …, her …: may we be in one … for a long time.” Heloise to Abelard. (4)
11. The granddaughter King Diarmait of Leinster who was one of her time’s greatest heiresses. (6, 2, 5)
13. The medieval name from Chepstow (7)
14. One of the names for a small gallery situated in the front of a glacis. It enabled miners to listen for noises of enemy miners.(6)
16. Catherine of Sienna sucked what from the sores of the sick. (3)
19. Who was Regent of England from 1216-1219. (7)
20. The man who was King of Jerusalem during the disastrous Battle of Hattin in 1187. (3, 2, 8)
22. An alternative name for the King of England who first invaded Ireland. (5, 10)
23. In the singular Ely derives its name from what? (3)
26. The son of Henry II who died in 1183. (5, 3, 5, 4)
28. Richard of Cornwall was what to Henry III (3)
29. Alternative name for the battle which occurred in 1217 and saw the beginning of the expulsion of Louis VIII from England. (7, 4)
30. Archbishop of Ardbraccan who died in c. 657 (5)
31. The victor of Stamford Bridge (6, 9)
33. The castle situated on the River Medway whose keep was built in c. 1127 by William of Corbeil (9)
1. Lanchei was the name given in the Domesday Book for what which is now an area of London. (7)
2. First Earl of Hereford. (5, 10)
3. One of the substances that could have been poured from a murder hole (3)
4. Hereditary castellan of Lincoln Castle who died in c.1230. (6, 2, 2, 4)
5. The only woman to be Queen of England and Queen of France on separate occasions. (7, 2, 9)
6. An alternative spelling of a city in Tunisia occupied by the Normans from c. 1148-1160. (5)
10. An alternative spelling for legislative or judicial gatherings in Anglo Saxon England. (6)
12. The site of the signing of the Magna Carta. (9)
15. An alternative c.14th century adjective for having leprosy. (5)
17. In the singular what did the paternoster guilds make? (6)
18. Outlaw who died in the battle of Sandwich. (7, 3, 4)
21. Which battle is seen to be the beginning of the end for King John holding significant portions of what is now France. (6, 2, 8)
24. A Derbyshire castle that was built by the Peverel family and became property of the crown in 1155. (8)
25. The wife of Llywelyn Fawr and daughter of King John. (4, 2, 5)
27. The name of the violet dye obtained from a specific lichen. Used for dyeing cloth and in illuminated manuscripts
32. “I have no claim to anything here save through….” The History of William Marshal. (3).